Links to Our Solar System




Views of the Solar System

In depth information and photographs of each of the nine planets, the sun, as well as many other celestial objects.

The Nine Planets

Multimedia Tour of the Solar System give lots of details about the sun, the moon, each of the nine planets and each of their moons. 

Planetary Facts Sheet

Individual facts sheets about each of the nine planets, the sun, the moon, and near-earth asteroids.

Center for Earth and Planetary Studies

Up-to-date information about the most recent research of Mars, Venus, Earth, and the Moon.

Space Exploration- Online Activities

Links to several Online Activities that allow further exploration Earth and the other eight planets.

Pictures of the Planets

Links to pictures of each of the planets in the Solar System, as well as on-line quizzes about each of the planets.

Welcome to the Planets

A series of images from NASA’s space exploration program

Virtual Solar System

Take a flyby tour of the sun and each planet in its orbit, observe planets and extraterrestrial weather patterns up close




Created by Carla Beasley

7th grade Science Teacher

      Julius West Middle School

           Last updated March 7, 2002